27 Jun Ten Smart Health Tips for Busy Women
Lakeisha Richardson, M.D., OB/GYN last month shared ten recommended smart health tips for women navigating various life stages, serving as an important reminder to be proactive about maintaining women’s health, from menstruation through menopause and beyond.
“Girls are taught from a young age that maintaining their health consists of eating right and exercising, but there are other crucial factors for good health in women,” said Dr. Richardson. “As we continue to shelter at home, women can take control of their own health to help minimize imbalances, discomfort and reduce overall stress.”
Dr. Richardson’s ten tips to stay healthy include:
1. Talk to your health care provider:
Don’t skip your yearly exam and ensure you’re up to date on all vaccines including the flu shot. Speak with your healthcare provider to reschedule your yearly exam if it has been postponed due to stay-at-home orders.
2. Exercise.

Get moving at home. Regular exercise decreases the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Try having a dance party, watching YouTube videos, or try a virtual exercise class.
3. Keep vaginal pH normal.
pH can increase with blood from menstruation, sperm with sex, and hormone fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause. An increase in pH can often lead to BV or bacterial vaginosis, causing an unpleasant odor and itch. RepHresh Gel keeps pH balanced to normal and eliminates odor immediately. It is easy to mistake BV for a yeast infection and many attempts to self-treat can cause more harm than good. When BV is diagnosed, antibiotics are necessary, but be careful as they kill the good along with the bad bacteria and can then cause a yeast infection, starting the bad cycle all over again. Try RepHresh Pro-B, a vaginal probiotic that contains 2 strains of vaginal lactobacilli to balance yeast and bacteria daily.
4. Don’t forget to take your vitamins.
Supplement your diet with essential nutrients such as vitamin D to promote healthy teeth and bones, support the immune system, and aid in cardiovascular health.
5. Avoid painful sex.
Stress and menopause can take a toll on a healthy sex life, causing pain, dryness, and irritation. Replens Vaginal Moisturizer provides immediate relief from internal dryness for three days and Replens Silky Smooth, a silicone lube used just before sex can help ease intimacy and increase comfort.
6. Track your menstrual cycle.
Stress can affect the menstrual cycle, so be wary of this if you are trying to conceive. Make sure to keep First Response Early Result pregnancy tests on hand to know if you are pregnant up to 6 days before a missed period.
7. Take prenatal vitamins.
If you are thinking about getting pregnant, it’s important to ensure your body is getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs. vitafusion’s PreNatal gummy vitamin has an excellent source of folic acid and 50 mg of Omega-3 DHA.
8. Sleep.
At least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is like a reset button for the body and mind. Stay off technology for at least an hour before bed and try vitafusion’s new Max Strength Melatonin gummy vitamins to help promote healthy sleep.
9. Decrease stress.
Life can be confusing and stressful, especially during a pandemic. Take time to clear your mind, plan quiet times and activities for yourself like reading a book, starting a garden, meditating or soaking in a bath while listening to relaxing music to slow down the heart rate and breathe. The better you feel mentally can help how you feel physically.
10. Make time for YOU.
There’s no better time than now. Eat right, prioritize fitness, maintain your vaginal health and remember you are your biggest health advocate.
“Remember, it’s better to stay healthy than have to get healthy. Take the time to evaluate your health needs,” added Richardson.
Source: https://bit.ly/35Ulcje
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