18 Jun Long Covid symptoms? Count on these expert tips
Long covid is not contagious. The symptoms are caused by your body’s response to the virus continuing beyond the initial illness, mentioned Dr Patel

Long Covid is a term used to describe the effects of Covid-19 that continue for 3-4 weeks or months beyond the initial illness. “To completely recover from covid, age factor, and post-covid care matters,” said Dr Bhavik Patel, medical operations at Bhatia Hospital Mumbai.
Researchers have analysed data from the Covid Symptom Study app to discover who is most at risk of developing long Covid. They found that older people, women, and those who had five or more symptoms in the first week of becoming ill with were more likely to develop long Covid.
Long covid is not contagious. Its symptoms are caused by your body’s response to the virus continuing beyond the initial illness, mentioned Dr Patel.
Symptoms of long Covid include cough and feeling breathless as well as fatigue, headaches, joint or muscle pain, anxiety, and depression. Other symptoms affect many parts of the body including the heart such as palpitations or increased heartbeat, brain such as brain fog (not being able to think straight or focus), and the gut. These symptoms often limit daily activities. Since Covid-19 affects mostly the lungs, patients’ breathing capacity (lung capacity) decreases and it takes month to regain its actual capacity. So, post covid care is equally important for complete recovery.
Some tips for managing Long covid symptoms
Manage fatigue and breathlessness
*Pace yourself – plan what you’re going to do and don’t over-exert yourself.
*Try to break tasks that feel difficult down into smaller chunks, and alternate easier and harder activities.
*Consider the best time of the day to do certain activities based on your energy levels.
*Frequent short rests are better than a few longer ones, so rest before you become exhausted.
*Don’t stop doing things that make you feel breathless. If you stop using your muscles, they’ll get weaker, which can make you more breathless when you try to use them.
*Try to gradually increase the amount of exercise you do. Try going for short walks or doing simple strength exercises and build up from there.
*If you use a walking stick or a frame, lean forward on it when you feel breathless.
*Boost your mood and stay on top of your mental health
*Be kind to yourself during your recovery – be prepared that some days will be worse than others
*Connecting with other people can help you feel happier – make sure to keep in touch with family and friends.
*Having a daily routine can be good for your mood and sense of stability.
*Stay active – continuing to move will help release endorphins and improve your mood.
Tips for thinking or memory problems
*Make notes to help you remember things – whether it’s in work meetings or medical appointments.
*Try to reduce distractions.
*It can help to make a clear plan before approaching any new or complicated problem or situation. Break it down into steps, and keep checking your plan as you follow it.
Relieving joint or muscle pain
*Flexibility exercises (like stretches, yoga) and strength exercises (like climbing stairs, lifting weights, and working with resistance bands) can be useful. Check with your doctor before starting a new exercise regime.
Source: https://bit.ly/3gxdG2U
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